تحقق من جميع الأماكن التي تظهر في هذا الفيديو: الشواطئ الرائعة والمأكولات اللذيذة والحياة الليلية النابضة بالحياة والمهرجانات المفعمة بالحيوية، كلها تجعل إسبانيا واحدة من أفضل العطلات في أوروبا. نظرًا لأن إسبانيا تضم العديد من المناطق والجزر ذاتية الحكم، فإن البلاد تفتخر بواحدة من أكثر الثقافات والمناظر الطبيعية تنوعًا في القارة. فيما يلي نظرة على أفضل الأماكن التي يمكنك زيارتها في إسبانيا:
25 responses to “أفضل 10 أماكن للزيارة في إسبانيا – فيديو السفر”
Hola, I'm from Turkiye and I want to visit Spain. Also I'm learning Spanish. This country is amazing
the best country!
Sebastian🎉🎉 Valencia🎉🎉 Malaga🎉🎉 Granada🎉🎉
Vengo de un mensaje de un maje que dice que paga por darle like a este video
Worst music and then a stupid lady talks over it, totally missing Spain's vibe altogether.
*Scammers are using these video to people like and “receive money” easily…..*
Be careful! I’m annoying one right now 😂
Nice place Spain !!
The place is beautiful to bring you closer to the thief's and scammers ..handsome people but dirty hearts my review of the country is 80 percent are scammers and thief the thief phones cut your money bag also your passport
Like saludos desde la isla de Gran Canarias
What kind of stranger persist in this universal truth. Nightingale and rose story.dead body of nightingale were found.someone refused to ball with me.love is nothing only wasting of money and time.
I ain't never been to Spain, but I've been to Oklahoma!
I am a Sri Lankan. I am looking for someone. As I remember, he came to Sri Lanka from Spain. I met him in 2005. He came with his brother and his brother's wife. I met him at a party. I was 16 years old then. I don't know how to find him. Help me find him.
Portugal is the best country in the world 😜
I'm from the Philippines looking for my ancestral root my name is Domingo Antonio quidoles
My favourite Spanish city is Alicante.
Spain is a beautiful country in the world 🇪🇦
Very good video of Spain!!
Fuengorlia is a fine place
Me gusta
Jews should avoid Spain. There have been large anti-Jewish protests in Spain and recently a Spain legislator spoke against Israel. As you know, Spain does not have a good "history" regarding Jews. If you must go, AVOID identifying yourself as Jewish. It may not be safe.
Best, just avoid Spain.
Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)